Carnevale | Doctors | Dice | Dice Blister Pack
by TTCombat
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- Hidden away in the Ospedale San Servolo Dei Malati di Mente, the Doctors perform perverse experiments on the downtrodden of Venice. Their bizarre practices turn madness into magic, and with the horrific conditions they keep their patients in, there's no shortage of madness. To provide the best luck (or just look nice) when playing as the sociopathic Doctors, there's no better choice than rolling their own dice! Alternatively, these dice are perfect for any faction for keeping track of remaining Will Points on your gang members!
- 12 ten-sided dice
- 10 in The Doctors blue (the colour of their magic instruments!)
- 2 Destiny dice in white
- Each number delicately etched on
- Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10
- 7, 8, 9, and lion filled in a complementary colour for easy spotting of Aces