Flames of War | US vs Germans | Kasserine, US vs German | 15mm Plastic Starter
On 8 November 1942 American forces landed with a bang in North Africa, they stomed ashore and advanced on Tunisia from the west, sandwiching the German Afrika Korps and their Italian allies between the US forces and the British pushing from the east. On 19 February 1943, the American Second Corps clashed in an epic battle at Kasserine with the attacking German Panzer Divisions under the command of General Rommel, the Desert Fox.
Kasserine includes:
• Four plastic M3 Lee tanks
• Three plastic M4 Sherman tanks
• Five plastic M3 Stuart tanks
• Six plastic Panzer III tanks
• Three plastic Panzer IV tanks
• Three plastic 5cm guns and crew
• Tank Commander sprues
• One Complete A5 Flames Of War rulebook
• One printed Quick Start Guide
• Thirteen Unit cards